Fairlaunch Rules
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Staking is Alive
Withdrawal deposits and rewards are limited and coded in the smart contract until the participation goal is met.
Deposit NowFarming is Soon
The whole idea of farming / yield farming consists of incentivizing users with passive income in exchange for providing liquidity. User can provides their earned yield into another liquidity pool; whereby, they receive passive income upon their passive income. This process can, of course, keep going to where the user receives passive income upon passive income ad nauseam.
Bridging in Testing

Ethereum is going multichain. With the growing adoption of evm-compatible chains and L2s, a new challenge has emerged around liquidity fragmentation within the ecosystem. This problem can be solved by connecting discrete liquidity pools on each chain into a global networks.
Bridging beetween EVM Compatible Chain currently under testing by our dev member. We hope in Q2 we will announce. Stay tune for lastest update on this WebApp.
Dev Team is Dressing Up

This project was initiated by less than 10 members. They are very busy and focused on the agenda of developing this project, sometimes they rarely take a shower so I ask them to take a shower first before taking pictures. Currently this project is still under discussion by the foundation, so the distribution of tokens for devwallet, charity, and others is 0%. We focus on presenting strong early participants.